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Works For You

Money has evolved and you should too.
Join the evolution.

Your Trusted Investment Partner

Our curated suite of savings and investment options, provide the best opportunities to build long-term wealth.

Personalised portfolios

Investment plans that just get you! Tailored to your lifestyle and goals.

Top-tier yields

High-yield funds designed to grow your money the right way!

Smart Investing tools

Advanced tools for real-time insights, market analysis, and recommendations.

Maximised returns

Strategic investments focused on growing your wealth efficiently.

Why choose Zedcrest Wealth today?

Let Your Money Work

Pick your preferred plan and earn interests while you save.


Maximize returns through diversification.


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What are Mutual Funds?

Think of mutual funds as enjoying a fancy buffet rather than sticking to one dish. A mutual fund is a pool of investments where investors combine their funds into one bucket, which is operated by a trustworthy asset manager. The asset manager would then invest the funds in different assets on their behalf and allocate periodical dividends from the assets to the different investors.

Let your money
work with you